Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Kiss of Destiny

It was a 12:15 in the night. I usually don’t stay so much in the office, but sometimes there comes a demand and time passes by. Knowing that I must reach early and get a good sleep so that next day starts afresh, I kick started my Splendor.

These are rainy days of monsoon; a cold shiver went around my body. Wind brings messages of good and evil, "its her job". I know mostly she fears you, so who cares. Night was as dark as there would never be light tomorrow. No sounds of human murmuring either, or at least the roads had no lights. First gear gave an inertial torque and second accelerated me on the road, though well known with lots of potholes.

It had been a year I learnt driving bike, but I told myself “You have become a rash and careless driver nowadays and there is always a hurry.” Your mind tells you sometimes unknowingly; it comes from your inner conscious. You cant lie to yourself, well ok, may be I would have sounded in a different way had a friend asked me about my driving, “ Oh I have been a fine driver”. Your inner conscious is your soul, and it is immortal, body is a temporary coating on it. Well, with God’s grace, you keep on going, otherwise with a simple lapse of concentration of a single human being, there would have been thousands of accidents everyday on such dirty roads, with so may potholes everywhere and almost no traffic control in the night. “To err is human, but to forgive is divine.” Hmmm….

I knew these are all thought processes I undergo while I am alone. There is no cure for it. And lonely mind is devil’s home.

Well I was a 1000 mere away from office, on the Hadapsar Highway, driving in the first lane. I had noticed long back that, in the night, stray dogs dominate the area and they are the rulers. They are not afraid of humans and they are the little devils with wacky barking jaws. Un aware of them, I was cruising on the highway hoping to reach home early, with a moderate speed of 40 Km/Hr. Suddenly a strange thing came perpendicular to me, I was about to apply breaks, but it was far late and I intercepted it at a right angle. To my dismay, it was a dog, trying to cross the road and it didn’t notice me, neither did I, but I had no choice but to pierce the tyre straight into the dog. All the hell broke loose, with a blink of eyes I was thrown to the ground along with my bike. I landed on the cement- concrete road with my hands protecting my body, I think they are the only weapons of a bare body. When I opened my eyes I found my head was almost about to crash into the road divider. Some unknown force might have stopped me rolling and the head break was avoided.

The pulse was over and I found my hands had got badly injured. Fortunately there was no truck or a jargon coming behind me, otherwise it would have carried me with it or crushed into pieces…I got up and found a trolley driver asking me whether I was okay. Yea “I am okay”. Later I lifted my vehicle, which was more injured than me. But fortunately I could start it and drove slowly to home. After an accident what remains is “What went wrong?” Was it destined to happen? I don’t think dogs are so insensitive to noise and movement around them! It was fate for both of us to face the accident and get injured.

And then life continues ...

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