Friday, September 29, 2006

A Date with Fate

Have you ever seen a falling star?

Some people say, "If you wish something looking at falling star, it comes true".
I had heard this before and wondered to know if really falling star fulfills your wish?

24 Sept 2002, in the night at 11 pm, I saw a falling star. The day was as usual and I was on vacation at my native place. Those days in my life were full of frustrations with a strong desire to grow in my career, climb the ladders of success like my classmates and become a successful professional in a big organization. I was desperate enough to join a big organization, as the exploits in small scale industry was intolerable to me.

And here came a wish in my mind, looking at the falling star, "God, make my recruitment in 'ABC' organization within 2 months!" The eyes blinked and there was a pause over few seconds.

The days passed by and to my surprise I received a call from 'ABC' organization in the month of November, guess the date of interview!!?? It was 24-Nov-2002 - exactly the last date of 2nd month of my wish. God gave me an appointment with the desired organization within desired time. Though it didn't work out, because of my falling short to clear the interview, I was happy that God gave me a chance to fulfill my desire. The rest was left up to me!

Later on I advanced further to join another very good organization after 4 months.

This is a clear incidence which proves that a falling star has something to say for someone before it ends into ashes. But I feel, you should not wish to a falling star. What pays is in due time is hard-work, perseverance and nothing else.

The pioneer

1 comment:

A Beautiful Mind said...

i dont believe in astrology due to the simple reason that i dont know about it and not much interested though. similar is the case of god with many. What you perceive is what you believe and what you believe is what you achieve. so ultimately while watching the falling stars you perceived certain desire which you started believing and finally achieved it with effort. It is very much true that your effort and dedication will help in reaching your destiny provided you start believing your achievement. "FATE" is one such factor of destiny...