Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Child Adoption

In America last year 941 orphan kids were adopted from India. Most of the kids were adopted by the NRI settled in America. If you think of a reason, you will come to a conclusion that these NRI felt guilty of having not done anything for the country and in attempt to serve the country, they adopted the Indian orphan child. This is the maximum number till today from a single country.

The second highest was by Italy. The reason, I feel, Indians are black haired, look similar to Italians except colour. So over all, the white Indian child looks like most of the Italians. Similar is the case with Spain, which is third highest in the rank. Here I don't feel that the number is because of NRI.

The fourth highest adoption of Indian orphan child was by Denmark. But here the reason could be, the rarely dense population of Denmark. The rate of population rise is very low and the human race is becoming extinct there.

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